
Friday, May 22, 2009

Sneezes and Updates

Achoo! Achoo! AAAAAAAchooooo! This is becoming a common sound in the Harrington (temporary) house! The house we are living in is right across the street from a saw mill. The saw mill is "noisy", but the constant sound of the saws running almost becomes theraputic. The mill dumps the saw dust on the street in front of us and burns it. It never really burns completely though. Just a constant fire for those saw dust particles that wish to burn up. Unfortunately, there's also a growing trash dump across the street too. It was small when we first moved, but word has spread and more trash is being tossed there. In many foreign countries trash is a big non-issue that most Americans don't (or can't) understand. We just try to set an example by throwing away things in a trashcan. The only way to get rid of your trash is to burn it. So once a week, Josh will burn our trash. It's just one of the things you have to adjust to, because if you don't you'll have lots of trash piling up around your house. Then people might think your place is the place to dump the trash! :)

This past Wednesday we had a meeting with the elementary and highschool principals at the international school. Josh and I were just wanting to hear what options were open. God was really great and provided a position that everyone thought would fit me best. I have no offical teaching experience. I have a certificate, graduated, and worked with kids at the church for a year. So, I have some experience, but not a full-time job experience. The position offered to me was.... drumroll.... 6th grade! As of right now, there are eight 6th graders. This position will be... drumroll... part-time! Why am I excited about part-time? Honestly, I would answer this by saying-because it's scary thinking about teaching. I'm only scared because this is my first time. I guess it's the "first year teaching jitters". Does that exist? Well, it does now. God opened these doors, and I have to trust that He will walk me through everyday. I only want to glorify God, and give these students what they need. The principals were SUPER encouraging. They said things like "we want you to succeed", "we want to help you", "you will not get fired if you struggle". You might never hear these things in a public school in the States!

So, I'm excited. I'm excited because we've been waiting on the Lord for Him to open up doors for where my place/role would be. He has a role for us all, but it's so hard sometimes to wait for Him to answer! Oh boy, but when He DOES answer- you better look out because it will be incredible. Think about it, the God who positioned the universe so perfectly also positions/plans the events in my life that shape and mold me into who He wants me to be. Wow. So, we're walking with God through this time.

Thanks for staying tuned with what's happening with the Harringtons. :)

we love you and miss you.


Bonnie said...

Congrats on your job! You'll do wonderful, and YES first day teaching jitters DO EXIST!! You might cry a lot of tears, but you'll be a pro in a few weeks! :) Just ask for help from anyone who will answer, even if they are the worst teacher! You can learn what to do from the best, and you can learn what not to do from the worst!! :)

I just found your blog, and I'm adding it to my reader! :)

Elizabeth said...

We're so excited for you! You'll love it and you'll be great, I know. It's the most difficult and rewarding job all bundled into one.

Chiefsfan said...


Nick will be a 6th grader next year.Can I send him to you? We miss you guys. Congrats on the new job

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