
Sunday, May 24, 2009

Help Me Understand

I am fairly new to this world of blogging. I added "followers" to the blog thinking that was a cool addition the page. My "goal" was ten, but now we have 11. (Thanks for thinking this is cool enough to follow) :)

The thing is I have NO idea how to use it! I have so many blogs that I want to follow, but I don't know how. So, I just add them to the "other's stories" section. Please help me understand how to use this. I just don't get it.

So I thought I would google photo "how to use follower". I got some interesting feedback. Here's some results:

"I use my account as a ..." (what does this even mean??)

"follow the herd"

"are you a qwitter or a follower"

So my google image search was NO help at all but highly entertaining :) Maybe you could be of more help? Thanks!



Sarah LeighAnn said...

You can add to your blog list from the "Reading List" on your dashboard, but personally I like to use Google Reader to follow all the ones I read. Have you used it before? When you add subscriptions to your google reader, you can then import them to the blogs you follow on Blogger. ...does that make any sense, lol?

Josh and Amber Harrington said...

umm... no sarah. your computer/internet/blogger jargon makes no sense to me at all. :) this is a whole new world... like aladin, but minus the flying carpet and genie thing. thanks though. :)

Sarah LeighAnn said...

lol, I'm terrible at explaining things. Maybe start here at this link?

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