
Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

This year Josh chose to participate in "No-Shave November". Josh started mid-way through October. I have a few theories as to why- 1. He lost his razor. 2. He wants to save some money, because razor are expensive here! 3. He wanted a head start to drive me crazy. :)

I was trying to be supportive of him in this endeavor. He did look quite handsome, UNTIL it started getting out of control. Honestly, maybe it wasn't out of control, maybe I just wasn't used to it and refused to become okay with this new growth. As the days went on, his hair grew... and grew... and GREW! At meals small crumbs would get stuck in there.

One day he came home on his motorcycle in a heavy rain storm. He got cleaned up a bit and sat down to eat. He still had little beads of water on his beard. I told him about it, and y'all he wiped his beard and a puddle of water formed under it! I couldn't take it anymore!! You're laughing, I know you are.

So a few days later, he had enough too. We took photos to share, because if you're going to grow a beard out for that long you have to cut in as many different ways as you can before it's all gone. We haven't laughed this hard in while. :)



I know what you're thinking- Why didn't we take ALL the photos in the tuxedo t-shirt?? The tux tee says "I'm formal, but I'm here to party."

He looks years younger without the beard. He also looks about a zillion times less creepy than all the other "looks". Kate didn't cry when the clean shaven Daddy walked in her room the next morning. I think he may have even gotten some extra snuggles and kisses.

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