
Friday, April 3, 2009

what a week!

When I last wrote, we were relaxing in KL. Here's a quick update to bring you up to speed on us.

-Caught our plane from KL to Jakarta that was delayed 2 hours. Our neighbors were meeting us at the airport to drop the cat off.

-Checked in for our flight from Jakarta to Papua, and say goodbye to the cat.

-After a looooooooong and cramped flight, we arrived. Lots of families met us at the airport. It was great and really made us feel apart of the team.

We got our luggage, but something was missing... the cat. The cat got stuck in Makassar, which is where we switched planes at 2:30 AM. So we unloaded our things and went on with the day.

**Sad story following**
The cat arrived on Monday morning. Josh came home with him. We let him out, and he sniffed around. Our neighbor came to tell us we had to take him to the animal quaratine office at the airport. So we all loaded up and headed for the airport. After a quick (but confusing) conversation, we were given the option of sending the cat back to Jakarta or putting him down. There would be no one in Jakarta to pick him up. I started crying. I felt really bad knowing that this cat trusted us, and well you know... So Josh took me home, and I grieved all day. The next day was better, because it was already finished. It's sad. We had everything in order, but this province has special rules that other parts of Indonesia don't have to follow. They are rabies free, and will not allow animals that have been vaccinated or exposed to it. That cat was both.
**Sad story finished**

Today we were welcomed by a stomach bug. We both were welcomed at the same time. So we spent today in bed recovering and sleeping. That's just one of the ways a new place says "welcome, glad you're here." it's also a way that the enemy can discourage us and get us down. Please pray that this will go away, our appetites will return, and we can get back to the norm.

It's also VERY hot here. Bandung was comfortable, Papua is sooooo humid. My skin is not reacting very well. I have a rash that is red and scratchy on my arms, neck, chest, legs, and hands. I've started some new meds, and today was better. Pray for our adjustments here.

Thanks for following this. Sometimes the news is good, sometimes it's sad, and sometimes it's bad. This was a mix. Life is a journey with ups and downs, and we're lucky to have you come along on our's.



Anonymous said...

i was wondering about you guys! glad that you made it there. so sad to hear about Luki! looking forward to pictures. your body will eventually adjust to the heat and humidity, but that stinks about the rash. i kept getting weird stuff when i first got here too. love you!!!!!

Unknown said...

Ooh, it's so good to read your updates. I'm sorry about the cat.:( I hope transitioning and settling in goes well for you. I miss you!!!


Sarah LeighAnn said...

In my prayers always. Sorry about your kitty, and the hard transition. Love y'all!

Jennifer said...

so sad about your little kitty! I am glad you are journaling all this because all the little things are going to be great to go back and read down the road...glad you are getting settled...hope your bodies get used to all the changes quickly too.

UnderHisWings said...

Some things never change even after 30+ years (stomach bugs and greetings from new and old friends at airports). We are enjoying reliving yours while following yours. Is papaya leaf tea still the profolaxis treatment of choice? Sorry about the feline friend loss. We're praying for you. Con & Hog

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