
Thursday, May 5, 2016

Papua United Soccer

A few short months ago I was completing a Master's degree that took up so much of my time. I found myself asking God what was next? Did He want me to get back into the classroom at HIS or move my focus to a different school or help write math curriculum with another team or continue with my sole focus being momma? Ideas were presented and all options just didn't work out for various reasons. I have no problem with being momma but have this deep desire for community, to work/serve alongside people frequently.

The Lord is amazing! 

A group of us meet each Sunday night to play a game of co-ed indoor soccer. The first week I felt like I was for sure going to die right there in the middle of a game. Since that first week I feel like that is less likely to happen, although is still a possibility! Through that Sunday night soccer, opportunities were given to play a friendly game against a local Papuan girls team (Papua United). We have played outdoor soccer and indoor against the girls ranging in age from 13-16. 

A couple weeks ago the guy currently heading it up approached me and my friend and asked us to consider joining the girls on Thursday afternoons to run some drills with them. Last Thursday we had another friendly game and about 20+ girls showed up. This Thursday was the first day we were running drills and we had 8 girls. The 8 that showed up were so gracious in my extremely limited attempt to communicate using Indonesian! I learned there's a difference between the lines on the soccer field and the girls standing in line- yep, there's SO much to learn! 

Who knew (God is the answer!!) that in early elementary school I would start playing soccer on the Wild Things and eventually be coaching internationally!? I love that this game has opened the doors for clearly communicating the Gospel and pairing it perfectly with good character. 

Would you pray for these girls to feel encouraged and loved deeply by us as we coach? Would you pray that the girls would gain strength in their dependence on the Lord? Would you also pray that Kari and I would be good examples of women of good character and love for the Lord?

Check out PU website to learn more about their ministry

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