
Friday, November 8, 2013

A Visit to the "Waiting Well"


Waiting is no stranger to us. We wait for things all the time. Sometimes these things are HUGE, medium, small, or seemingly insignificant. Sometimes waiting brings happiness, anxiety, sadness, frustration, or a myriad of other emotions that come along with this process.

In the past we've waited for summer breaks, the beginning of a new school year, graduation, acceptance into Wycliffe, walking down the aisle as a bride to meet my groom, completion of our various trainings, VISAS, completing language school, a long term house, making new friends, the first time home, returning to the field, and now we wait for the arrival of a baby. So many of these "waiting events" have been life changers for us. This one is for sure.

Baby Girl was "due" on November 4. I know, I know...
- most firstborns are late.
- 5% of all babies actually arrive on their due date.
- She'll come when she's ready.
- As long as she's within a couple weeks, you'll be okay.
Please don't forget this is our first time waiting for something this tiny which will make a BIG difference in our life.

So we're here at the place of waiting- the "Waiting Well". So many others have come to this same place during their journey, and many are here now currently experiencing various forms of waiting. Some have been here for many moons, others a few months, others just arrived. Around the Waiting Well stories are passed around of previous visitors. We remember the servant of Abraham who came all the way back to his master's home country to find a wife for Isaac. The servant arrived and waited at the well for the woman who would fit the requirements established beforehand. The journey was long, but the wait was short. We talk about the Samaritan woman who served Jesus water from the well of her ancestors. She (and all of Creation) was waiting for the arrival of the Messiah who would explain all things.  Jesus explained that He was the One she's been waiting for. We all spread the word of the families who finalized their adoptions after crying into the well after many obstacles, and we all wished that we could weep with joy alongside the parents who would soon meet their adopted newborn for the first time.

I am hoping this period of waiting will end soon. But a few things I am sure of:
-I am positive we will return to this "Waiting Well" to hear the stories, both old and new.
- I don't want to forget what this waiting feels like, so when I do share life with those around the Well I can sympathize with them where they are.
- Experiencing life around the "Waiting Well" changes you. You won't walk away the same person you were before the waiting period.
- Jesus, the Giver of Peace and Patience for those waiting, makes frequent appearances to the Well and He meets with those waiting individually.  

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