
Thursday, June 4, 2009

running and planning

It seems like now is the time that schools are out for summer, students are bored, and teachers are ready for a break. This makes me laugh, because I have been experiencing "summer break" since we moved to Papua. With no job and lots of free time, my day is totally open- just like summertime. So, I try to find things to occupy all this free-time.

My friend started a running program called "Couch to 5k". I thought to myself," That would be so good for me to do here." It's basically for really lazy or out-of-shape people (like me) who want to start running. It starts off slow and gradually work its way up to the distance of a 5k. The program is 3 times a week, so it's not really that demanding. After I do the work-out, I head to the pool for water aerobics. This helps work out any of the soreness in my legs, and gives me a chance to cool off, because let's face it, it's hot here.

I don't love running, but what I do love is seeing the same faces on the route that I jog. I haven't stopped to meet anyone, but I see their smiling face each time I pass. There's a woman who is always working in her garden- rain or shine! There are the same group of kids that play outside of their home underneath the shade of a tree. There are the two scary dogs that sometimes chase me, and I promise that the other day the white dog had a black mask painted on its face!

Other than that, I have been spending my time developing a math test the math skills of Josh's Indonesian co-workers. Many of them are training in the hangar and hope to get their certifications later, but to do this they have to be proficient in math skills. So this test, hopefully, will show what they know and give our trainers an idea of where they can begin to tutor these guys so they can pass their tests!

I never thought I would say this, but math is becoming my life. I'm teaching 6th grade math this upcoming year. Yesterday, while our power was out, I spent the day looking over the first chapter. Get this- I have basically the first week roughly planned out. Look at that, planning ahead... I never do that, Josh can testify, probably lots of you can testify!

Thanks for reading this. Sometimes the posts are waaaaay exciting and others are not that exciting. Such is life- some days are waaaaay exciting and others are not that exciting, but each and everyday is a gift from the Lord. I'm thankful for every single day that we are here in Indonesia. We're going to LOVE looking back on these days 50 years from now! Will you enjoy looking back at these days 20 or 30 years from now? If not, I challenge you to do something that will be unforgetable, so when you look back you're not disappointed!



Bonnie said...

I've done couch to 5k and LOVED it! :) Good luck. I think working out is such a GREAT way to meet people and build relationships!

Elizabeth said...

Here's some math for you
1 Cross+3 Nails=4Given

Haley Nevins Hicks said...

just wanted to say hey to you. I enjoy reading your blog so much! I'm not quite sure though what y'all are exactly doing there. Can you explain? Your husband works (what does he do?) and you will teach math in an American school? I know y;all work for Wycliff (not sure how to spell it) right? just curious for more details and maybe i just missed some older posts of explanations.. :)

Josh and Amber Harrington said...

haley! that's a good question. we do work with wycliffe. where we are there are lots of people translating, but they live in the city. when they go to the village, they fly with the pilots (josh). when they need materials to be flown in and out, if there's a medical evacuation, anything that involves flying- that's why josh and the other pilots do. while they are in the city (and in the village) they send their kids to the international school. their kids get a quality education, and that's one less thing to stress over for the translators. we are part of the support team. we help make this situation less stressful for them, so that they can do the very important work that God has called them to do- to translate His Words into languages that don't have them yet. these languages don't have any part of any scriptures translated into their languages, but because of the work that all of us are doing together as a team- God is receiving His glory among the nations! hallelujah!

Haley Nevins Hicks said...

oh yes..I forgot your husband was a pilot! That's so awesome! Well that did clear it up for me! Thanks for responding! i will be praying for you guys and like you said it one of your posts, just enjoy the time you are there and every experience for the glory of God. love you girl!

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