
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

December Update

Our time in America is quickly coming to an end. We begin the long journey to our second home on Wednesday. Here's the route: Dallas-Houston-Moscow (I know, right?)-Singapore-Bali-Jayapura. It looks pretty crazy when I write it down, and I can't figure out the path in my head. I trust that the pilots of Singapore Airlines will get us to our destination safely though.

I haven't updated much this month, because we have been really busy. The month of December began with a quick trip to Oklahoma City. Josh participated in a high altitude training course. They put a group of people in a chamber, bring you to 25,000 feet and have you take off your oxygen mask for five minutes while you log your symptoms every minute. This helps the participant recognize what their symptoms of hypoxia look like. They recorded the simulation, and it's pretty funny what the body will do with a lack of oxygen before you pass out. It was a wee bit cold while we there! This is the bucket with the thing to wash the windshield off.

Josh spent a week in Wichita, Kansas at a maintenance training course. He stayed with a really sweet family who took great care of him during his time there. While he was gone, I focused on studying for a state test which would allow me to teach grades 4-8 math in Texas.

We also had a chance to go to a real, live rodeo! It was Josh's first time to see one. Those cowboys have a lot of guts to ride around on a really mad bull or bronco!

A couple weeks later we got to see the Dallas Mavericks win their first game of the season. They're off to a rough start and are in a time of transition, but hopefully they'll be able to defend their championship again this year.

We got to see "A Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens at the Dallas Theatre. The play is truly meant to be a ghost story, but when it's read to children it's not very scary. The movies aren't scary either, because of the audience it's made for. Well, the Dallas Theatre held NOTHING back! It was a great rendition of a holiday classic. There were a couple times where we jumped and even yelped!

The best part of the entire month was visiting family. It's strange to meet kids who are two or three years old that you've never seen before. We were worn out by the end of Christmas day, because of all the excitment of visiting. Just a few days later we hung out with some good friends to celebrate the New Year. We played a dance game on the Xbox Kinect, and it was a riot! There are some people in the world who can keep a beat and have "moves"- the Harringtons (and friends) are not those people! :) We still had a great time.

I also took the math test for the state of Texas. The morning started off with the whole family sharpening pencils on the front porch. Don't buy cheap pencils! One perk of the day was eating lunch at In-N-Out Burger. :) We haven't heard the results yet, but hope for a passing grade!

We also got to eat at Josh's favorite BBQ place. (We BOTH were stuffed for atleast two days, because of all the meat we ate!)

These next couple of days will be full of packing, saying good-byes/see ya laters, hugs, tears, food, and who knows what else...

1 comment:

Welcome to my blog! said...

I can't believe Josh had never been to a rodeo! Thank goodness he was able to experience that greatness! Haha...Sounds like a great December. You two are definitely in my prayers. Have a safe trip!

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