We are still alive! Our weeks are filling up with things to do. It's very different than when we first arrived. We're thankful for friends that have been here for a LONG time and friends that have just arrived.
We had a good time experiencing the Sentani Lake Festival. This is a time for the villages, who live around the very large Lake Sentani, to dance tradional dances in their native dress. I have never seen the colors orange and red stand out so much like they did against their dark skin! Beautiful! (Photos to come!)
We celebrated two years! So many changes have happened in those two year. It was great to look back and see how we've changed to compliment each other more and more. All the glory goes to God!
This past weekend a friend took some "couple photos" of us to help build up his portfolio. I also just wanted some recent photos of us. That was alot of fun, but by the end of the day we were both really tired! Thanks Max! (Photos to come!)

No changes on this photo. This is how the shot came out :)

Tomorrow we will celebrate our first year in Indonesia! It has gone by SUUUUPER fast. We've lived in three places- Jakarta (about 3 weeks), Bandung (about 9 months), and now Sentani (almost 3 months).
We have started to house hunt again. During this time, Psalm 77:19,20 has really been a challenge and a great reminder to me.
"Your road led through the sea, your pathway through the mighty waters-- a pathway no one knew was there! You led your people along that road like a flock of sheep, with Moses and Aaron as their shepherds." Psalm 77:19,20
The Reminder: God knows the way! He knows what He's doing. He knows where He's going. While finding a house, I trust that He's leading us down a pathway that no one knew was there!
The Challenge: All of us have different shepherds- God, teachers, preachers, parents, husbands. God has placed Josh as my shepherd. I am constantly learning (this pursuit of knowledge started 2 years ago) to trust him to lead and to guide me. This is hard, because sometimes (most of the time) I think I know better! So, I'm learning to trust.
Here are a few things to pray about:
- that we would trust God as the shepherd as He leads us down pathways that only He knows about
- that God would continue to show me how to follow Josh
- that we would continue to develop friendships in this still new place
I'll update this entry with photos when I get the photos ready to be posted! Thanks, you all mean more to us than you'll ever know.