
Friday, January 18, 2013

Cotton Bowl Full of Fun

The Cotton Bowl (Texas A&M vs. Oklahoma University) aired live in Indonesia. The kick-off was at 10 AM. The following people may or may not have actually been there, but their images were changed to protect their identity... just in case.
Thanks to Google Image Search for the help.

Fake Amber was there.
(I think this "Amber" is a little cooler than the previous.)
Fake Josh was there with his skateboard.
We were invited the Craig and Cheryl's house. Here's a photo of their "family".
Fake Cheryl.
Fake Cody... sorry Cody, this is what I could find.
Fake Craig, looks like a nice guy.
Fake Ben was there with his basketball.
Fake Bryce joined us.
Fake Chase met us there, too.
Fake Santi showed up after a fishing trip.
Mr. J Brazeau came before his afternoon lecture at the university.
Fake Karen did our make up during commercial breaks.
Here is Fake Tim holding a baby.
It was a great time had by all (except for the OU fans). Thanks to the REAL Cheryl and the REAL Craig for having us over!
Images by Freepik