
Friday, July 8, 2011

Jumbled thoughts on a Jog

In America you have the freedom to run anywhere you want with only a few weird looks. In Indonesia, however, it's unusual when a white girl runs by. So we jog at the school- on a gigantic hill.

Yesterday I grabbed my music, shoes, and no map. :) I just did an interval run until I found my way back. I went through this gated community that has a lake. The roads twisted and turned, but it was a beautiful, sunny day. I got lost twice and that got me thinking. I have only walked through with my family and only paid attention to a few landmarks.

There's some adventure and "fun" in just taking off and going wherever we want- no restraints, no regards, no appointments, no expectations. Just go. As I was running, I took a wrong turn. None of the houses looked familiar- all of the houses looked unfamiliar when by myself! At first I didn't mind, but then my thoughts turned towards the dreaded "what ifs"... you know what if Josh goes to look for me on the normal roads, what if I miss dinner, what if there are dogs that are out of the gate... the "what ifs". The "what ifs" took some of the fun out of the journey, and fear began to creep in. The "what if" thoughts might not even show on the outside- that fear, uncertainty, lack of peace seems to only effect the inside.

All of the sudden, I recognized the road that led home! Safety, comfort, peace. Although the journey took longer than expected, it was really fun and felt good just to go.

I'm learning that this journey that I'm on is an adventure. Sometimes I'll take a wrong turn and not follow the One who knows the way. It'll take longer to get back on the road to home, but the lessons learned on the "wrong ways" might be well worth the journey. Sometimes "wrong ways" are hard lessons, and we want to quit and give up. Newsflash- you can't quit in the midst of the run because you have to go somewhere- back home or to the finish line. Don't give up. Continue on the journey-hard times and everything.

Don't fear the wrong ways but at the same time try to stay on the road home...

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Great Adventures

This month has literally flown by!

- We landed in Washington on June 8.
- June 15-19 I was in Arizona for my college roomie's wedding
- June 20-25 in Washington (with my feet on the the ground!)
- June 26-July 2 in Orlando, Florida for a debrief about our time in Indonesia.
- July 3- Aug. 1 We'll both be in Washington.
- Aug. 1-8 I'll be going to Texas to visit my family!! :) (I'm really looking forward to that!)
- After that trip, I'll return to Washington and we'll plan again from there.

So this has been a busy time, but it's been so wonderful to reconnect with others!

This week in Florida has been such a blessing. We've met others who are co-laborers all around the world. We've been encouraged by our friends in Orlando and had the opportunity to just share our experiences. We had tons of great food and even took a trip to "Gatorland". I held the tail end of a HUGE snake and almost passed out!

Here's some photos because I know you're itching to see!

Before snake:

I shut my eyes closed, because I did NOT want to see what was coming! Here's the first touch:

I'm freaking out.

Then we had a chance to pose with the snake in groups. So, Josh was upset that he didn't get to hold the snake. This is me trying to be brave.

It was short-lived...

I have mixed feelings on any recommendations for Gatorland. :)
I also did not volunteer for this but was volunteered by former students and athletes of mine! They love to see me squirm! :) Now that I think of it, Josh was probably pointing me out too!

Here's the evidence.

This is Josh while they were bringing the huge snake out. It's clear who volunteered me, isn't it?
Images by Freepik