
Friday, October 28, 2011

Texas- Here, There, Everywhere

Wow, Texas is big!

The third weekend of our month tour of Texas was spent in the Piney Woods of East Texas. We left our comfy home in our sweet ride (thanks Big G!) and headed east.

We shared at Crossroads Baptist Church in Marshall. During my time at East Texas Baptist University, I was apart of this fellowship. This weekend just happened to be the same weeked as ETBU's homecoming. Here's some shots-

Our (20 minute)Homecoming Parade:

We saw some friends and made a few trips to Bodacious BBQ. :)

We shared in both morning services and had the evening service to share more in depth.

Our next weekend in Texas was spent in "The Jewel of the Forest" aka Jasper, Texas. We stayed at a lake house for the weekend and shared at Peachtree Baptist Church. Here's some photos:

This month has flown by! This Sunday we're going to North Carolina to the JAARS training center for two weeks.

We're eagerly anticipating the upcoming months because of the treats!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Goal

This is the work we're apart of. Josh was at this New Testament dedication. Very cool!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Texas- Week One Review

We've been in Texas for one week! Here are some first week highlights:

We had the chance to share at an AWANA program at the church I grew up in. We talked about the importance of a team to help a translator be successful in a foreign country. No matter how many people are on our team or how strong the team looks like, the team will fail without the power of the Holy Spirit.

Celebrate Roanoke and Baseball
It's weird returning to the place you grew up and seeing all the changes that have happened since you were there last. This annual celebration of our city has really become quite popular. This year they were expecting around 30,000 people to come and celebrate. There was a lot of food, drinks, music, and football- that's right a big screen that was showing the University of Texas vs. Oklahoma University. Let's not discuss the outcome of that game!

This is our buddy, Luke. He was the ring barer in our wedding. He's in the 4th grade! It's weird coming back to kids that grew up.

The Texas Rangers are currently leading the American League Championship Series. Game 1 had a ridiculously long rain delay, and Game 2 ended in extra innings with a Grand Slam for a Rangers win! Game 3 is on tv right now, and I'm hoping for win #3 even though the Tigers just took the lead as I typed out the previous part of this sentence.

This past Sunday we had the opportunity to share at the church I grew up in. We had a potluck after church. I love potlucks... maybe I just love free food. Unfortunately, we didn't take any photos of our share time. But, you can trust us, we were really there! :)

Thursday, October 6, 2011

New Blog Additions

I'd like to say thank you to those of you around the globe who check in every once in a while to see where we are and what we're up to. It's very encouraging to us :)

I want to take a chance to explain some of the additions to this page.

To the right there are two new options. One is called "Get the Email!", if you're interested in receiving email updates of the most recent blog entry just type in your email address in the spot. I know some people that are interested but forget about this journal (and that's okay, because, honestly, I forget too!). This option will notify you when we write a new entry.

The second option is called "Join the Team!" If you click on the link below that title, you'll be taken to a partnership page on Wycliffe's website. Just type in Harrington in the last name section. As of right now, we're the only ones. Click on "Learn More". This is a chance for you to commit to be apart of our prayer team, financial team, or express interest in receiving our newsletters. We encourage you to consider joining our monthly financial team. Wycliffe is a faith-based organization. None of us get paid for what we do, so we depend on friends, families, and churches to give monthly. It's been amazing to see how the Lord has provided over the past three years! None of that could have been possible without the prayer and financial support of you. Prayers have meant soooooo much to us! On the most difficult days, your prayers and God's strength gave us the extra push we needed. On the most wonderful of days, your prayers reminded us how grateful we are on a team- both overseas and stateside- that stands with us to preach the Good News of Jesus to the whole world. Thanks for being apart of the team!

So take a chance to check out the new additions :)

Images by Freepik