
Saturday, November 23, 2013

Kate- The Story

I'm realizing that when new parents say "soon" that means that it automatically might never happen! Days become blurs, and dates are now determined by doctor appointments.

It was Thursday night around 1 AM, I woke up with an intense need to get the bathroom quickly! I thought I was going to pee all over the floor. Throwing on my house shoes, I proudly made it to the toilet. Then I started to cramp up. That's weird, I thought. Josh must have sensed something was happening, because he secretly started timing whatever was happening. The cramps would come and go, and finally, I said to Josh," I'm not sure what's happening but we should just go to the hospital."

We left the house around 2:45 AM. The hospital knew we were coming, so everything was ready when we got there. I don't remember much of the checking in because the pain was becoming more intense. We went to the labor and delivery floor and got comfy.

I was hooked up to a fetal monitoring machine, and sure enough I was having contractions. After a check, I was still only dilated to 1.5. The nurse did a test to see if my water had broken. She came back and said I was being admitted because my water had broken. I immediately asked about pain relief. She gave me medicine that would "make me loopy". It did indeed make me loopy! I was thinking some crazy things and only saying a few of those thoughts out loud! Something about being on Wheel of Fortune for kids... The medicine didn't take away the pain from the contractions but took the edge off, which allowed me to relax between them.

Somewhere around 7 AM and in the middle of intense contractions, I found prayer was my defense. I would breathe in and breathe out characteristics that described the Lord- Rock, Strength, Provider, and more. Then all of a sudden a sweet, calming, but firm voice whispered in my ear "Hey Momma, you need to slow your breathing down. The deeper your breaths, the better for Baby." I didn't know this voice, but it brought such peace, so I obeyed. This voice belonged to the nurse who had just started her shift and would take care of me and Kate the rest of the day (7AM-7PM). (She became a good friend through this journey. We are so grateful for her! We are also SO thankful for the care both Kate and I received at the hospital. The nursing staff were incredible! Nurses must have a spiritual gift to take care of others and pour themselves out completely for every patient for every shift. Lord, give them an extra amount of love, care, and energy for every single patient they care for.)

After some miscommunication and a shift change, pain relief arrived. The epidural was given in less that 2 minutes and the gal was in and out of the room in 20 minutes. My blood pressure dropped when it was given, but it stabilized before the lady left the room. My BP, my heart rate, and Kate's heart rate were continuously monitored. I felt immediate relief. I could still feel my toes and move my legs, it just felt like my legs were asleep because I had been sitting cross legged on the floor for too long.

Around noon I had dilated to about an 8, and 20 minutes later to 9.5. I went from 1.5 to 10 in about 12 hours. Really fast for me and for a first baby. Then my sweet doctor came in. Since I wasn't in pain and Kate wasn't ready for any pushing, my doctor suggested we labor down. Laboring down is letting gravity do its thing by pulling the baby down, and most women who labor down only have to do a couple of good pushes and baby is here. I still pushed for about an hour or so, but my doctor was great. She gave great direction, and we even had some laughs. If you know me, I treasure those moments of seriousness when something funny happens. You never forget those moments. (At our wedding, I tried to put Josh's ring on the wrong finger and thought I was sneaky moving it to the other hand. Nope, not sneaky! Everyone saw it and busted out laughing. I was so embarrassed, I turned away from the crowd and there stood the photographer. We have one photo of our wedding day, and that's the one. I love it!) My doctor was trying to count and say encouraging things at the same time... she slipped and said "Come on, Amber! Keep pushing! Just give up!!" Wait, what??? Then all of us started laughing. She also instigated a healthy competition between another doctor who was delivering a baby down the hall. I said," Game on. Let's do this." when I heard there was a competition.

I had my eyes closed and worship music was playing. We played Plumb's song "Need You Now", Rita Springer's "Worth It All", and music by Hillsong. Kathryn Joyce Harrington (Kathryn and Joyce were the names of our paternal grandmothers, both strong women, we're hoping for a healthy balance of both of these women in Kate's life and attitude) was born at 2:50 PM to the song "Man of Sorrows" by Hillsong. Music means so much to me, and every time I hear these songs I will think about the birth of our baby girl. My eyes were closed, I was focused, and that same encouraging, sweet, but firm voice said in my ear," Hey, Momma, open your eyes to look at your baby girl." I opened my eyes, and
there she was taking her first breath in a new world
and forever holding on to my heart.
I started weeping with joy.
 My first words after Kate was born was "Thank you, Jesus!" We had such an emotional journey during the pregnancy (if you're new to the journey, go back and read in the summer months),  we give glory to God for the way He led in each step. We are convinced that He has a great plan for Kate's life! My dad was in there to capture the moments of our first meeting Kate.

Everyone was crying and praising the Lord for her safe and healthy arrival!

 Josh parents bolted across the state of Texas from Arizona to meet Kate and snuggle with her!

 She's here! Kate, we're already praying that you would know and love the Lord at a young age. We pray over you that you would love the unlovable and be a friend to those who need one, regardless of how "cool" it will or won't make you. We pray that you would learn Indonesian, so you can establish deep friendships with the kids you'll be around... and also so you can translate for us when things don't make sense :) Most of all, Kate, we are SO thankful for your life and are looking forward to sharing and making memories with you. We love you!

Friday, November 8, 2013

A Visit to the "Waiting Well"


Waiting is no stranger to us. We wait for things all the time. Sometimes these things are HUGE, medium, small, or seemingly insignificant. Sometimes waiting brings happiness, anxiety, sadness, frustration, or a myriad of other emotions that come along with this process.

In the past we've waited for summer breaks, the beginning of a new school year, graduation, acceptance into Wycliffe, walking down the aisle as a bride to meet my groom, completion of our various trainings, VISAS, completing language school, a long term house, making new friends, the first time home, returning to the field, and now we wait for the arrival of a baby. So many of these "waiting events" have been life changers for us. This one is for sure.

Baby Girl was "due" on November 4. I know, I know...
- most firstborns are late.
- 5% of all babies actually arrive on their due date.
- She'll come when she's ready.
- As long as she's within a couple weeks, you'll be okay.
Please don't forget this is our first time waiting for something this tiny which will make a BIG difference in our life.

So we're here at the place of waiting- the "Waiting Well". So many others have come to this same place during their journey, and many are here now currently experiencing various forms of waiting. Some have been here for many moons, others a few months, others just arrived. Around the Waiting Well stories are passed around of previous visitors. We remember the servant of Abraham who came all the way back to his master's home country to find a wife for Isaac. The servant arrived and waited at the well for the woman who would fit the requirements established beforehand. The journey was long, but the wait was short. We talk about the Samaritan woman who served Jesus water from the well of her ancestors. She (and all of Creation) was waiting for the arrival of the Messiah who would explain all things.  Jesus explained that He was the One she's been waiting for. We all spread the word of the families who finalized their adoptions after crying into the well after many obstacles, and we all wished that we could weep with joy alongside the parents who would soon meet their adopted newborn for the first time.

I am hoping this period of waiting will end soon. But a few things I am sure of:
-I am positive we will return to this "Waiting Well" to hear the stories, both old and new.
- I don't want to forget what this waiting feels like, so when I do share life with those around the Well I can sympathize with them where they are.
- Experiencing life around the "Waiting Well" changes you. You won't walk away the same person you were before the waiting period.
- Jesus, the Giver of Peace and Patience for those waiting, makes frequent appearances to the Well and He meets with those waiting individually.  

Friday, November 1, 2013

Friends are Friends forever... Sing along, you know it.

I'm not sure who said it, but someone very wise told me "The best friends you'll ever have in life are the ones you meet during your time in university." That has been a constant truth in my life. In high school I had friends, but I also had a job, sports, extra curricular activities, and studies. College life had different dynamics- all of us were away from home, classes were just a few hours a day, socializing was the majority of every day, and we studied with the time left over. No matter where in the world I am, I know these relationships will last. They are firmly established on Christ, who Himself is unchanging. Whenever and wherever we meet up it's a reunion that is not awkward, but one where we just pick up where we left off. We could spend hours exchanging stories of moments over the last two years and remembering stories from college. There were no games planned. Here's the formula for this party: girlfriends + food= great memories.

Here's some photos:

Kristin- 33 weeks; Corrin- 28 weeks; Amber 39 weeks

All three having baby girls!

The whole gang!
Sweet words of encouragement and advice


A precious Bible with amazing pictures

Incredible graphics proclaiming Truth for kids in a way they understand

Autumn and Jess, THANK YOU for putting this party together! How special that God allowed us to come together for such a time as this. I'm feeling incredibly, abundantly blessed.
Images by Freepik